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The White People's Quarterly, Vol. 1, Issue No. 1

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The White People's Quarterly, Vol. 1, Issue No. 1


Issue No. 1 of The White People’s Quarterly—our premiere issue—features original cover art by the gifted hand of Aileen, and visually defines in its purest form what we represent. Featured written pieces include a powerful selection from Jason Köhne’s book Born Guilty, original poetry by Jared George, a guide to becoming a community organizer by Harold L. Byron, a thrilling travel story by Jim Modoc, an exposition of art in the post-modern age by Donald Kent, and a humorous short story by Paul Marlais. However, the issue centers on the family and in particular “The Re-Feminized Woman,” so the focus-pieces are provided by Ashley MacAlistair, whose article “Reclaiming Femininity” offers tips and guidelines for young women seeking to live healthy and traditional lives, and Mina Therese, whose powerful personal journey emphasizes the trials and tribulations one goes through as they trade backward modernity for a more natural lifestyle, and how this transformation is leading to a “Renaissance of the Traditional.”

Also included in the first issue is a Q&A with the Mamas and the Pepes, photography by the Light of Decay, a review of Überfolk’s album Music for Nations by the New Paradigm Review, along with poetry, art, recipes, and a republishing of T.S. Eliot’s famous essay “Tradition and the Individual Talent,” with an introduction by the Editor. Issue No. 1 remains the most important to us, due to the uncertainties going in and the challenges we faced along the way, but with the help of Creative Director Jeff Winston of the White Art Collective we got the job done, and by some metrics it was the most successful quarterly magazine of the 2019 Summer season. Aileen’s beautiful cover conveys the essence of what we stand for as a family-friendly publisher, and we are grateful for those who took a chance and contributed to it, nearly all of whom have contributed to subsequent issues. Among them are our faithful, White-Positive sponsors, such as the White Art Collective, WhiteDate.Net, KosChertified, and the Mighty White Soap Co., whose elegant ads can as well be found among the content.

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Volume 1, No. 1
11 × 8.5 × .18 in
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